Friday, June 4, 2010


It's finally stopped raining. And when I say rain I don't mean that nice drizzle that you get sometimes. I'm talking about the kind of rain that feels like someone is pouring water on you from a bucket. So it was very nice to get out into the garden today. It mostly involved neatening thinks out and pruning - so that during winter there won't be a whole lot of crouching on the ground and fighting with weeds.

And of course after all this hard work (please tell me you can hear the sarcasm) I was left with some more flat parsley leaves, some oregano and thyme. The seeds went into an envelope in my newly organised 'seeds' box, the oregano goes to Mum for something and the thyme I used for a tisane. A tisane is a fancy-sounding French word for a herbal infusion of fresh and/or dried leaves and flowers. And yes I do have to italicise the word tisane every time because it is such a delicate sounding word!

My favourite tisane is perfect in autumn when all the citruses are at their best. Here is what it involves:

- herbs any combination you like but I always use thyme, some mint and one or two leaves of sage
- always, always some lemon and orange peel
- sweetener such as agave, maple syrup, honey or raw sugar (I think putting white refined sugar in this completely reverses any positive effect the herbs might have)

Again this is just my recipe, if you could even call it that, and it works for me but you can make any kind of herbal mixture and make it fancy and decadent just by calling it a tisane.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


So this is just a little blog to show and tell my lovely family, who are all over the world, what I get up to. Here's what I'm hoping to have up here

- crafts and hobbies
- any new recipes I think are particularly easy or delicious
- some photos of the family (including Mum's grandchildren Whitey, Spartacus and Hercules)
- gardening updates
- anything else I'd like to share that looks good in photos